CIM Sunlight Lux Dual-Sided ID Card Printer

Product number: ZSD000000000047 Vendor: CIM

The CIM Sunlight Lux printer is discontinued and will be available in limited quantities. Call us today to receive pricing on remaining inventory!

The user-friendly CIM Sunlight Lux dual-sided ID card printer is ideal for small and medium sized businesses looking for a dual-sided card printing and encoding solution that offers high performance, is professional and secure.

The intuitive designed allows for easy setup, loading and operation for improved efficiency. With all-in-one print ribbon and card cleaning cartridges, the ribbon loading process is simple.

Perfect for membership cards, gift cards, employee IDs and other custom printing, the printer is modern, sleek and a must have for businesses in many industries.


  • Direct-to-card printing technology prints full color or monochrome in less than 24 seconds per card
  • Upgradeable with encoding options - smart chip, magnetic encoder, contact, contactless
  • Easy to change print cartridge
  • Near to edge card printing
Sunlight Lux Dual-Sided Printer Models / Options

There are several options available for CIM Sunlight Lux Dual-Sided ID card printers. Call our toll-free number or use "items of interest" to get in contact with a consultative sales representative from IdentiSys. Our experts can help find the right Sunlight Lux Dual-Sided system for you.

Part Number Name / Description
ZSD000000000047 Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer
ZSD00ET00000047 Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Ethernet
ZSD000000PR0047 Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with HID Prox Card Encoder
ZSD0000CL000047 Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Contactless Smart Card Encoder
ZSD00ETCL00CS47 Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Ethernet, Contact and Contactless Smart Card Encoder
ZSDMG0000000047 Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Mag Stripe Encoder
ZSD00ET00PR0047 Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Ethernet and HID Prox Card Encoder
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Ethernet and Contactless Smart Card Encoder
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Ethernet and Mag Stripe Encoder
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Ethernet, Contactless Smart Card and HID Prox Card Encoder
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Mag Stripe and HID Prox Card Encoder
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Mag Stripe and Contactless Smart Card Encoder
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Prox Card and Contact Smart Card Encoder
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Contact and Contactless Smart Card Encoder
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Ethernet, Mag Stripe, and Prox Card Encoder
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Ethernet, Prox Card and Contact Smart Card Encoder
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Contactless Smart Card and HID Prox Card Encoder
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Mag Stripe, Prox Card and Contact Smart Card Encoder
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Mag Stripe and Contact and Contactless Smart Card Encoding
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Mag Stripe, HID Prox Card and Contact and Contactless Smart Card Encoder
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Ethernet, and Multiple Encoding Capabilities
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Prox Card and Contact and Contactless Smart Card Encoding
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Ethernet, Mag Stripe, Prox Card and Contact Smart Card Encoder
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Ethernet, Mag Stripe, Contact and Contactless Smard Card Encoder
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Mag Stripe, HID Prox Card, and Contactless Smart Card Encoder
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Ethernet, Mag Stripe, Prox Card and Contactless Smart Card Encoder
Sunlight Lux Dual Sided ID Card Printer with Ethernet and all Encoding Capabilities


    Product documents

    Document Title / Description Size
    CIM Sunlight LUX_0814i 3910 kb

    Note about product information requests/items of interest:
    Your request will be sent to a local sales representative for an immediate follow up with you.

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    There are three ways to get more information on this product and to receive a custom quote:

    1. Add this product to your "items of interest" cart and send the request
    2. Use our online form
    3. Call our toll-free number: 877.213.8180

    Where can I find pricing information?

    Many of our vendors require us to advertise at manufacturer suggested retail prices, however, given our strong relationships and positioning, the prices we can offer our customers are much lower. In addition, we offer order quantity discounts and many promotions such as our ongoing trade-in program.

    As North America's largest full-service identification and security solutions provider, we offer extremely competitive prices, as well as local on-site service and support. Contact us to get our lowest price.

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