Other Markets and Industries

ID ​Cards ​and ID Badges

Plastic ID cards are used for a variety of applications across many markets and industries. IdentiSys has years of experience designing custom ID card systems and solutions. From simple low-volume card printer systems to multi-location enterprise ID badge systems, we can help your organization find the best ID card solution for your needs.

If your organization is not ready to own an ID card system, the Internal Service Bureau from IdentiSys can print ID cards for you.

Things to Consider

  • Do your ID cards require embedded technology?
  • How many cards do you​ print per year?
  • How are ID badges being worn?
  • ​What purposes are you using ID cards for?

​ID Card Solutions

Correctional Facility Inmate ID Badge

Correctional Facility Identification

Photo ID Badges for Staff, Visitors and Inmates

Identifying and tracking staff, inmates and visitors is critical in correctional facilities.

Church Identification Cards & Badges

Church ​Staff & Membership Identification

Secure Photo ID Badges and ​Membership Cards

Many churches use plastic ID cards for staff ID badges and membership ID cards.

Gym Health Club Membership Cards

Gym and Health Club Membership Identification

ID Cards for Gym and Health Club Members

Issue technology membership ID cards for physical access. Print membership ID cards with barcode for membership tracking.

HOA Member or Guest ID Card

HOA Membership Identification

ID Cards for Home Owners Association Members

HOA membership cards are used to track HOA membership dues, as well as access to HOA community facilities such as pools, courts, parks and club houses.

Marijuana Dispensary Cards and Badges

​Marijuana Clinic & Dispensary Cards

​Cannabis Grower and Seller ID Cards

Several states have passed legislation to allow medical and recreational marijuana use. New laws and restrictions v​ary by state, but IdentiSys can help with legal dispensaries and sellers that require proper visual identification.

Nonprofit Volunteer Identification Badge

Nonprofit Organization Identification

Nonprofit Staff and Volunteer ID Badges

Nonprofit organizations use photo ID systems to create custom staff, member and volunteer ID cards and badges.

Union Membership ID Cards

Union Worker Membership Identification

Union Worker ​Membership ID Cards

​Having a union membership card allows your organization to track union members for unions dues and training. Union membership cards also serve as a "resume in your back pocket" for members.

Other Solutions